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Our Shared Goal: Your Success

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About meilenstein

In scheduling and process planning, the "milestone" marks fixed interim results and binding targets. The name says it all for us, because we accompany you step by step in the realization of your construction project. We support you with many years of experience, interdisciplinary expertise, and a high level of personal commitment. Despite all due care, the unexpected occasionally affects  the planning and construction process. With us as your partner, you save money, time, and effort because we not only know the problems, but above all the solutions.

& Facts

Our vision: We lead your construction project to success – competently, interdisciplinarily, and sustainably.

Our mission: We make your project our own and are committed to increasing the value of your property milestone by milestone.

We solve your construction challenges: We are hands-on, experienced, assertive problem-solvers, working diligently and with integrity to help you reach your milestones.


years of combined professional experience

We are architects, building services engineers, energy consultants and business people. Together, we offer our customers a combined 298 years of experience. Due to our interdisciplinary competences, we are able to act holistically and "think outside box".

> 100


Since our founding in 2007, we have been involved in the realization of over 100 different construction projects. We are currently working on many other exciting projects.


m² of residential and office space

We are proud to have accompanied approx. 350,000 m² GFA to completion as project managers.


m² of logistics space

For an international online merchant, we currently organized and managed interior conversions at 6 different locations in Germany without interrupting ongoing operations and under strict regulations.


Mobile Housing Units

With our support, 1,830 mobile housing units for those seeking shelter could be built at short notice. Since 2015, we have been a framework agreement partner of Hamburg´s social housing company Fördern & Wohnen.



With technical due diligence and consulting, we actively supported our clients in approx. 150 transactions and thus made a positive contribution to the purchase contract negotiations.


Porträt von Dipl.-Ing. Martin Berberat

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Berberat

Managing Partner

Studied architecture at the Technical University of Karlsruhe. Many years of professional experience as an architect in the planning and realization of commercial and residential properties with activity in all service phases of the HOAI as well as a project manager.

Since its founding in 2007, Martin Berberat has been a managing partner of meilenstein Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG, with special focus on project management and technical due diligence (TDD).

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Berberat
Managing partner

Studied architecture at the Technical University of Karlsruhe. Many years of professional experience as an architect in the planning and realisation of commercial and residential properties with activity in all service phases of the HOAI as well as a project manager in project management.

Since its foundation in 2007, Martin Berberat has been a managing partner of meilenstein Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG with special focus on project management and technical due diligence (TDD).

Porträt von Dipl.-Ing. Reiner Thiel

Dipl.-Ing. Reiner Thiel

Managing Partner

Studied architecture in Buxtehude. Many years of professional experience as cost calculator, construction and project manager of a generel contractor, and entrusted with the realization of office and commercial buildings, residential properties, shopping centres and university buildings. In 2006, he moved into project management for projects at Hamburg Airport.

Since its founding in 2007, Reiner Thiel has been a managing partner of meilenstein Projekt-management GmbH & Co. KG, with special focus on project management in construction. Qualified in 2010 as DGNB auditor of the German Sustainable Building Council.

Dipl.-Ing. Reiner Thiel
Managing partner

Studied architecture in Buxtehude. Many years of professional experience as an estimator, construction and project manager of a construction company for turnkey constructions and entrusted with the realisation of office and commercial buildings, residential properties, shopping centres and university buildings. In 2006, he moved to project management for projects at Hamburg Airport.

Since its foundation in 2007, Reiner Thiel has been a managing partner of meilenstein Projekt-management GmbH & Co. KG with special focus on project management in construction and project management. 2010 Training as DGNB auditor of the German Sustainable Building Council.

Porträt von Dipl.-Ing. Deike Scharnberg

Dipl.-Ing. Deike Scharnberg


Studied architecture in Hamburg, and construction project management in Weimar. Many years of professional experience as a technical asset manager, real estate economist, and client representative for various investment houses and property owners.

Certification as a Building Energy Consultant and Energy Efficiency Expert in 2023. Since 2024, Deike Scharnberg has been responsible for meilenstein Green Environment GmbH, with special focus on ESG consulting, energy concepts, energy-efficient redevelopment, and subsidy consulting.

Dipl.-Ing. Deike Scharnberg

Studied architecture in Hamburg and construction project management in Weimar. Many years of professional experience as a technical asset manager, real estate economist and client representative for various investment houses and property owners.

Certification as a Building Energy Consultant and Energy Efficiency Expert in 2023. Since 2024, Deike Scharnberg has been responsible for meilenstein Green Environment GmbH with special focus on ESG consulting, energy concepts, energy-efficient redevelopment and subsidy consulting.

Team sitzt um einen Tisch und redet
Mensch hält ein Tablet auf dem Bauplänen abgebildet sind
Büroraummit 3 Personen die sich unterhalten
Baupläne liegen auf einem Tisch und 2 Menschen deuten darauf
Zwei Frauen stehen nebeneinander und gucken sich etwas auf einem Tablet an
3 Menschen sind an einem Schreibtisch und unterhalten sich
Menschen stehen an einem Pausentisch und lachen
Mann schaut auf Tablet, welches er in der Hand hält
Zwei Menschen stehen vor Bauplänen und sprechen miteiandner
Team sitzt um einen Tisch und redet
Mensch hält ein Tablet auf dem Bauplänen abgebildet sind
Büroraummit 3 Personen die sich unterhalten
Baupläne liegen auf einem Tisch und 2 Menschen deuten darauf
Zwei Frauen stehen nebeneinander und gucken sich etwas auf einem Tablet an
3 Menschen sind an einem Schreibtisch und unterhalten sich
Menschen stehen an einem Pausentisch und lachen
Mann schaut auf Tablet, welches er in der Hand hält
Zwei Menschen stehen vor Bauplänen und sprechen miteiandner

Our Clients

Private investors


Long-term owners

Fund companies/
asset managers

public sector/healthcare

Housing associations/cooperatives

Banks and insurance companies

Commercial enterprises/tenants

Partners & Memberships

Die Interessenvertretung für Energieberater Bundesverband Logo
Energieeffizienz Experten für Förderprogramme des Bundes Logo
hochschule 21 Logo
Icon das zwei Zahnräder zeigt

Would you like to work with us?

Are you interested in the construction industry, sustainable real estate, and building technology? Join us!

We are looking for personalities who are committed to customers and projects, who enjoy working in a team, and who go through the world with open eyes.